Save to Instapaper v1.0 for Android…works a treat

Save to Instapaper v1.0 Application for Android | Tools.

Hoorah. I was very pleased to find this application in the Android Market and even more pleased to find that it works using my preferred RSS app, NewsRoom, and also when using the browser. You need to log in first and then when you find something you want to post to Instapaper you need to find the “Share” menu in that app and send it from there.

Instapaper is a great app, is it an app?, for storing web pages for reading later. I use it at home and have a bookmark installed in Firefox for easy access.

I’m really starting to get very enamoured with Android as I find more and more apps that replicate apps available on other platforms. I look forward to getting more Android phones available here in the UK and may even take a punt on the Nexus at some point.

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